
The official Japanese website for the Tokyo Revengers anime has provided the following story caption for season 2 episode 2, titled “Gotta Go.” In this episode, we pick up right where we left off, with Takemichi meeting Shiba Hakkai, one of the top dogs of Toman in the future. As we saw in the previous timeline, Hakkai came off as a brash, rude, and dangerous person who consumed the old members of Toman.

But as Takemichi and Hakkai engage in a friendly rivalry of bowling, pool, and whack-a-mole, we begin to see a different side of Hakkai. We learn that he is an ex-Black Dragon leader who joined Mikey’s gang after Black Dragon and Toman merged. We also discover that, despite his ruthless reputation, Hakkai is a decent person who loves and respects his leader, Mitsuya, and is also an awkward man who freezes up when girls other than his sister talk to him.

As the episode progresses, we also meet with a current member of Black Dragon, who shares a connection with the Shiba siblings, and we begin to question what led Hakkai to become the way he did in the future. This episode reveals a great deal about the personality of Shiba Hakkai and leaves us with many questions that we can’t wait to have answered in the next episode.

Overall, Tokyo Revengers delivered another great episode, and it’s a must-watch for fans of the anime. Catch it on Hulu and Disney+.

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